Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh yeah and

it's two weeks before classes start and only one class has released its syllabus and book list. So once again, the profs don't give a shit that textbooks are a million bucks a book that could be purchased cheaper with enough time prior to classes beginning. Gotta love it. Especially since most of them will reuse the same syllabus from last semester or last year.


Anonymous said...

Profs are TERRIBLE at this. I used to buy my books at the expensive bookstore so as to have them in time for the beginning of the semester, not highlight or write in them, then rebuy at discounted online prices, and return the bookstore books once the online books arrived. It required some extra work, but saved me at least a few hundred dollars each semester.

Eliza said...

Juliet, that is awesome. I don't know why I haven't thought of doing that.

dormrmtocourtrm said...

My school does the same thing. We didn't find out what classes we had/nor a syllabus for the ones we did have, until like, 2 days before school started. Check out my stories,